Monday, 31 December 2012

101 Reasons not to vaccinate? Reasons? or excuses? Part 1

This list is from the New Zealand anti-vaccination lobby group - the deceptively named Immunisation Awareness Society.  It reads a little like a lot of kids in a class room got together to think of excuses, some are actually quite ludicrous ... 
Which of course ,they admit when they say "Ok, I admit…some of these reasons are a bit tongue in cheek…" 
Which makes you wonder what their goal is, certainly not to be taken seriously ...
  1. NO vaccine is 100% safe     -  no medical procedure is without risk, however the risk to immunisation is minuscule compared to the risk of side effects for the vaccine preventable disease    Reason not to vaccinate?   No.
  2. NO vaccine is 100% effective - no medical procedure is 100% effective, however the risk of catching vaccine preventable diseases decreases with a higher immunisation level in the community.   Reason not to vaccinate?   No. 
  3. ALL vaccines have severe life-threatening side-effects - this is an out and out lie, some vaccines have a miniscule risk of severe or life threatening side effects, but you know, I've never met a person who had a severe reaction to any of the immunisations on the childhood vaccine schedule, and I am certainly not aware of a single death.  Reason not to vaccine?   No.   Concern to discuss with your doctor - Yes. 
  4. Any “immunity” gained from a vaccine is short term only.  Again, this is a lie.  Immunity differs per person. Some immunity is lifelong, other wanes over time.  Reason to not vaccinate - even if it were true WHICH IT FUCKINGWELL ISN'T (to quote Penn & Teller), it's not reason not to vaccinate.
  5. There are no long term studies that have been done on the effects of vaccination ( - It's a bit arrogant to use your own website to justify your own bullshit, but the long term effects of immunisation have been studied and can be seen within the immunised community - reason not to vaccinate?  No.
  6. Vaccine safety trials are only carried out on healthy babies, children and adults yet once approved, they are given to everyone – healthy or not.   Another lie.   Children with medical concerns are routinely not immunised, they rely on the herd immunity to remain safe.  Reason not to vaccinate?   No.
  7. Vaccine safety trials are paid for by the very people who make the vaccines, so there is no possibility of the information being unbiased or truthful.  Another lie.  A common one amongst anti-vaccinationists.   Safety trials are run under the scrutiny of government organisations under strict guidelines.   Reason not to vaccinate, No.
  8. Unvaccinated children are much healthier than vaccinated children ( This is one of the biggest bits of bullshit in a very large steaming pile.    It's not only not true, but it's amusing that they use an unreliable blatantly anti vaccination website to support this piece of garbage.  Reason not to vaccinate.  No  
  9. Vaccination is NOT responsible for the decline in infectious diseases ( You know when they rely on these unreliable blatantly anti vaccination websites that they're bullshitting you, we've found another one.   Vaccination is responsible for the decline in infectious diseases,.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.
  10. The polio vaccine of the 1950’s and 60’s was contaminated by the SV40 virus which is now confirmed to have caused cancer in many people who had received the vaccine. New viruses are being discovered all the time, so it’s a matter of Russian roulette on when such a virus will sneak into another vaccine ( - The polio vaccination given now is not the same as given in the 50's and 60's, so this is just a diversion.  Reason not to vaccinate?  No.
  11. The cells of an aborted human fetus was used to make the rubella vaccine (part of the MMR vaccine) ( - Note again, their use of their own site to justify their statement.  Reliability factor = zero.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to investigate further?  Perhaps, but use reliable and reputable websites and if you remain concerned, talk to your GP.
  12. Cow cells, monkey cells and chick embryo cells are all found in various vaccines – how can anyone really know the long term effects of injecting this foreign DNA into a 6 week old baby’s body?  A statement without validation.  Which vaccines?  Where?   If it sounds like bullshit, it usually is.    We have been receiving these immunisations for decades, if you want to know the long term effects of immunisation, look around you.  It may be worthwhile also noting that we routinely eat cow and chicken so i'm not sure what the point is here.    If you have concerns about the contents of immunisation, their contents are listed on the internet and you can investigate what is in them by visiting reputable websites and reading up on them. Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  13. Add some heavy metals, antibiotics and preservatives to # 12 above and you have a toxic cocktail called a vaccine.   This one is just the same old tired bullshit that the anti vaccinationists ply.  They seem incapable of understanding the difference between an organic and non organic product and .02mg seems the same in their mind to 2 tonne.   There is more risk of being hit by a toilet seat falling of an airplane than having an adverse reaction to a vaccine, but you won't hear them point that little fact out.  Reason not to vaccinate?  No.  Reason to talk to your GP, if you're concerned.
  14. Oh, and don’t forget to add some GMO’s to the above as well!    I think they may just have burped out of their backside.   Same deal as 12 & 13.
  15. PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES CANNOT BE TRUSTED! They have proven over and over again that they are only in it for the money ( and    And yet, they want you to trust an organisation that is set up on the internet, relies on unreputable agenda driven websites that's main focus is collecting your money in the form of donations.   I have never seen any shred of evidence that pharmaceutical companies cannot be trusted, and aren't going to change my mind just because some anti vaccination bimbo says so in capitals with an exclamation mark on the internet.  Reason to note vaccinate - No.    Have we noticed that we have got to point 15 and there is no mention of the risks to the diseases .. interesting oversight, lets read on and see if that changes.
  16. An Italian court has ruled that MMR was the cause of autism in this man’s case: This too is a lie.  The Italian court determined that there was a high likelihood that the MMR immunisation adversely affected this child due to a pre-existing underlying medical condition.    Even then, while this may well be true, the court has to weed through the 'evidence' and in cases of permanent damage to children, they do tend to err on the side of caution.  This does not prove that MMR causes autism, in fact there have been 12 distinct studies since Wakefield jimmied his results, and not one could find a link.   Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  17. In New Zealand, “a fully vaccinated child in 1961 would have received 12 vaccines for four diseases (four jabs and three sips) up until the age of five.” (“Investigate before your vaccinate” – book by Sue Claridge). The current vaccine schedule includes 11 injections for 10 diseases by age four ( This will continue to increase as the pharmaceutical companies realise they can make more money if they inject our children with more vaccines.   This is nothing more than speculation by a woman with a clearly defined anti vaccination agenda.   Indeed within a list of 101 reasons not to vaccinate what may or may not happen in the future isn't even relevant.    It's an anti vaccination misconception that pharmaceutical companies make big dollars out of immunisation, there is far more money to be made on other aspects of pharmaceutical, and a couple of the companies had to be 'convinced' through incentives to continue focusing on immunisation.   It's worth noting here too, that the comment form IAS has no consideration at all to the risk of the disease, it's like they just can't grasp that there is a disease that is being immunised against.  Reason not to vaccinate = No.  A good potential script for Hollywood?  Perhaps.
  18. Herd immunity by means of vaccination is a LIE the pharmaceutical companies use to make parents feel bad for not vaccinating their children (  Again note the reliance on the information on their own site to validate this point.   The NSW Government determined that these agenda driven anti-vaccination organisations did not give out accurate information on immunisation.  We really need to see the information from reputable websites prior to taking it as fact, and this has not been supplied, because there isn't any evidence to support their opinion.   Reason not to vaccinate - No.    
  19. Vaccines are regularly being withdrawn from the market due to adverse reactions, ( - Untrue.  In fact, you can't get much more desperate than relying on to validate a point.   No immunisation on the childhood schedule has been withdrawn from market due to adverse reaction since they changed the whooping cough vaccination decades ago. Indeed, the change in vaccination to one that is less effective but less prone to side effects pretty much puts paid to may of the farcical claims of the anti vaccination lobby.  Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  20. In New Zealand, 65% of people who contracted whooping cough in 2012 were vaccinated! (
  21. “Most children who catch measles were already vaccinated” ( - Another deliberate misconception using an agenda driven website to support their opinion.   There is no actual evidence that more vaccinated children get measles than unvaccinated.  Indeed in Northern New South Wales in 2012 40 children were hospitalised due to measles and all 40 were unvaccinated.   Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  22. Even ex-vaccine developers are coming out and exposing the lies that the vaccination industry is based on ( - If only they could find this information on reputable websites their job would be a lot easier.   A disgruntled ex employee supposedly outs an employer?   Really? is this the tongue in cheek they are talking about?  Sounds like it.  Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  23. The swine flu vaccine caused an increase of narcolepsy cases in children recently (   The swine flu vaccination is not on the childhood schedule, accordingly i'm not going to bother commenting on it.  Flu vaccination is a matter for you to discuss with your GP, not with an anti vaccination lobby group on the internet.  Reason not to vaccinate - probably not.
  24. At least one death in NZ has been linked to the Gardasil vaccine (
  25. …and four more deaths from Gardasil in India ( - again with the reliance on non reputable websites.  There have been no recorded deaths due to Gardasil in New Zealand or Australia.  However, there have been numerous deaths due to cervical cancer, and there has been a marked decrease in the instance of HPV since Gardasil was released.  When speaking to your GP about this vaccination, don't forget to ask about Cervical Cancer, it's survival rates and what a woman goes through prior to death.   It's quite nasty. Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  26. Homeless people died after being paid £1-2 to participate in a vaccine trial (  Interesting a UK based newspaper, talking about Poland.  Last time I was in Poland, the currency was not pounds.  In fact, i'm pretty sure it has never been.    Ah, I see, someone the IAS is trying to link the illegal action of a few people, who were testing an untried vaccination that is not part of the schedule with the vaccinate schedule .. that feels a tad desperate to me, even if it were true.  I think this too may be one of their tongue in cheeks.   Reason not to vaccinate = Not unless you're a homeless person in Poland who wants a couple of zloty by testing out some untried vaccine.
  27. Since the 1980’s, vaccine manufacturers in the USA have been protected from lawsuits following vaccine injury (  Last time I looked, New Zealand was not part of the United States and once again,, an unreputable website relied on to validate their statement.  Reason not to vaccinate - No
  28. Vaccination is being used to REDUCE fertility and reduce the worldwide population (  I'm sure it's not as effective as war and famine, but seriously this has to be one of the most ludicrous statements from the anti vaccinationists.   Of course, it could be said to be true as if they can stop their babies dying of these preventable diseases, they don't need to have so many.  The birth rates in 1st world countries fell dramatically too when all our babies stopped dying of diphtheria, measles, small pox etc.  Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  29.  The pro-vaccine movement openly admits that it is willing to sacrifice some lives in order to “save” many. I’m not willing to risk that my child is that one that will get sacrificed due to vaccine damage.   Again, another ludicrous and hypocritical statement.   The IAS is not willing to risk their child to vaccine damage, but are willing to risk the child to vaccine preventable disease death.  Indeed, by allowing unvaccinated children to interact with others, they put the  lives of all newborns and immune compromised children at risk as well,  It's an incredibly selfish attitude and not one I share.    Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to discuss concerns with your doctor - sure.
  30. Ian’s story: There is actually no evidence that this child died due to the vaccination, although i'm a little torn on this one.   However, having said that, he is a single baby and while his death is tragic there have been 13 deaths due to whooping cough in the UK alone.    1 death is a tragedy, 13 preventable deaths a disaster.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to seek advice from your GP.  Yes.
  31. Stephanie’s story:
    1. And I couldn’t resist throwing in some celebrities who do not vaccinate their kids or at least question the effectiveness and safety of vaccines: Mayim Bialik (Amy Farah-Fowler from Big Bang Theory) –
    2. Jenny McCarthy (,8599,1888718,00.html)
    3. Jim Carrey (
    4. Rob Schneider (
    5. Donald Trump (
    6. The legendary Chuck Norris (
    7. Even Dr Oz’s wife doesn’t allow him to vaccinate their kids! ((     Celebrities who do not vaccinate have no more information or knowledge on the subject than any other group of people.   Indeed Mayim Bialik does not discuss whether she vaccinates or not and is certainly not an advocate to not vaccinate.   Jenny McCarthy is a drug addled ex porn star who won't vaccinate but will inject botox.   Hardly pillars of our society that we would look up to.    Reason not to vaccinate - No.  Reason to not seek celebrity status - fuck yes.


  1. Thanks for doing this, Addryanne. There was a similar list by an Indian anti-vaccination [person/fool/loon/select other pejorative], on Jaganath Chatterjee circulating earlier this year. Autismum dissected his false claims in Part I (I'll add parts II and III to your posts covering the same territory)

  2. Her results are well thought out, well documented and fully supported. What a lot of time and effort she must have put into those responses.
