OMG they're still going ...
wait, that happened to 51? Which is really 47? cheaters never prosper ...
52. This “60 Minutes” program was on in July 2011 and looks at two New Zealand children who were brain damaged by the whooping cough vaccine and another who was killed by the Gardasil vaccine. During June 2005 and June 2011, ACC paid out on 449 claims of vaccine damage – This is actually 47, they've missed a few. No validation again, but we know that the Gardasil death was due to a pre-existing condition that everyone other than the anti vaccinationists have managed to understand, but then they're in good company as the deaths due to Gardasil in the US that they quote included someone who fell down a well, someone who got shot in the head and someone who fell off a horse. What they really mean is that these people died AFTER being immunised, not due to immunisation. The girl in the article they rely on here is over 20 years old, and it's hard to discuss an incident with so few details. The DPT vaccination was change due to adverse reactions, and the new vaccine is much safer than the old one was. Without minimising the tragedy of a child who suffers an adverse reaction to an immunisation, we need to remember that 13 babies die in the UK this year alone due to whooping cough, a number in Australia and New Zealand as well as other countries. Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to seek advice from your GP - Yes.
53. The Hippocratic Oath states that physicians swear to do no harm – yet vaccines routinely destroy the lives of people right around the world ( This one is 48. I guess someone should tell the IAS that Doctors no longer take the Hippocratic Oath. After all, those who take the oath cannot cut anyone and they cannot perform abortions, both actions are quite legal and necessary procedures in some instances. This one i suppose is one of those tongue in cheek ones, as quite frankly I snorted my coffee out my nose while reading it. Reason to not vaccinate? no. Reason to laugh like a lunatic? yes.
54. The polio vaccine actually causes vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP) – 49. Again they rely on an agenda driven website to justify what is quite a silly little comment. Reason to not vaccinate in a 1st world country? no. Reason to not vaccinate in India .. given how many people die of polio - no.
55. Vaccines are Bill Gates’ means for accomplishing world depopulation – This one has been covered already, it's just reworded. It's also more than a little silly, but in this bunch .. silly seems the norm.
56. GlaxoSmithKline were responsible for the death of 14 babies during illegal vaccine experiments –$1m-over-tests-that-killed-14–babies 50. Last time I looked the IAS were a New Zealand based group. The alleged behaviour of an organisation in a country without the same laws, checks and balances is actually irrelevant. Reason to not vaccinate? No.
57. Even though mercury has been linked to numerous illnesses, it is still routinely used in vaccines – Actually, this one is also a lie. 51. Organomercuries, which are not the same as the mercury in your thermometer, although the IAS won't bother with the distinction, is not contained in most vaccinations, in fact I believe currently there are only trace elements in one of the immunisations on the childhood schedule. The IAS has failed to explain that there are differing types of mercury and you're more likely to come into contact with the bad ones eating seafood or other foods than you would in an immunisation. Reason to not vaccinate? no. Reason to point at the IAS and chant "liar liar, pants onfire" - Yes.
58. Even fully vaccinated doctors get whooping cough – so what’s the point in getting vaccinated? 52. Well, I think the point is that if we don't get vaccinated, we may infect a small child and that small child may get really sick and die due to whooping cough, like the 13 in the UK this year and the others that died in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and other countries. I guess the IAS didn't actually read the article as it ends with ""While the vaccine is extremely effective in preventing severe disease, it does not always prevent infection in all people," he said." The IAS seems to believe that it has to be 100% effective or it's worthless, but that's quite an ignorant statement and shows a lack of understanding of the physics of immunisation, and realistically do we want to take our immunisation advice from people who don't understand how it works? Reason to not vaccinate - No.
59. Vaccine ingredients can lead to a severe form of kidney disease – 53 Again with the reliance on the non reputable agenda driven sites. All immunisations come with a risk, but the risk is minuscule when compared to the risk to getting the vaccine preventable diseases. I would want to see that article from a more reputable site before I read it. Reason to not immunise - No. Reason to seek more information from your GP - Yes.
60. The whole policy of vaccination is based on money, not on health, safety or anything else that might benefit the human race – 54 This is nothing more than a person opinion that has been drawn due to their anti-vaccination stand. There is no validation of this opinion and quite frankly, I find it as offensive as it is ludicrous. Reason to not vaccinate? No Reason to think anti vaccinationists are nutjobs - Yes.
61. Vaccines are the cause for many of the chronic diseases we see these days – 55. Anything that relies on for validation is clearly rubbish. Though in this instance I don't think you need any more than simple common sense to know that this statement is rubbish .. I guess it's one of those tongue in cheek ones she mentioned. It doesn't even deserve a response, its' so stupid. Reason to not vaccinate - No.
62. Vaccines are used to commit genocide among First Nations people in Canada – 56 How interesting, in Australia and New Zealand it was the diseases that ran rampant killing all of the natives. The vaccines actually saved their lives. Oh, the link is hardly reputable either, it's just an email and one without the header information to validate authenticity . Additionally, it is ancient information and even if it is true (and i'm not commenting on that), it would pale into insignifance compared to the atrocities that were inflicted upon the indigenous of these countries). There is no evidence in the emails that prove the's not worth reading. Reason to not vaccinate? No Reason to lament past behaviours - sure, if it's true.
63. Vaccination is not compulsory in New Zealand – we have the “Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment” – 57 This is true. Vaccination should never be compulsory. Families should make the decision that they are comfortable with, but they should make those decisions based on accurate information, not opinion, supposition and outright lies. The fact that you don't have to vaccinate is not a justification not to vaccinate, in fact doing something just because you can when it relates to the health and well being of a child in our care is negligent parenting. Reason to not vaccinate No. Reason to investigate - Yes, but base it on accurate information and not the misinformation from IAS and other like organisations.
64. If you’re religious, then there are plenty of reasons to not vaccinate – 58 There isn't a single religion that restricts vaccination, and anyone who is not religious and claims a religious exemption is a liar who, given vaccination is not compulsory certainly lacks morals and ethics that many of us would consider were necessary to be a good role model for children. Reason to not vaccinate - Not really . but if we had to choose 1 ... we'd choose this one out of the 97. then i guess this could be it.
65. More information is becoming available regarding the link to vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – 57. Actually, there is absolutely no evidence that links SIDs to immunisation. In fact, SIDs is one of the anti immunisaiton catchalls .. see, anti vaxers believe that anything that happens to you from the point of immunisation to your death, regardless of the time taken is vaccine injury. Immunisation occurs from 2 months and SIDs generally occurs between 2-6 months. It's co-incidence. If it were true that immunisation causes SIDS, then unimmunised children wouldn't die of SIDs, but they do. Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to talk to your GP, sure .. if the misinformation of the anti vaxers worries you.
66. Most doctors have no idea what ingredients are found in vaccines. If you don’t believe me, ask your doctor at your next visit! Why would you allow your doctor to inject you with something when they do not even know its ingredients? 58 This is a deliberate lie too. Most doctors do know what's in the immunisation, and the ingredients are freely available so we know what's in them too. The only people who don't seem to know are the anti vaxers who insist on ingredients that simply aren't in there. Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to find out about the contents - yes.
67. “Only about 1% of serious events are reported to the FDA” – That means that 99% of adverse vaccine reactions are not reported – 59 This is also a misconception. In Australia and I suspect New Zealand reporting of adverse affects is mandatory and accordingly, the reporting of adverse events are quite high. Indeed, it would make sense that if there were so many adverse effects we'd see more about it in the media and we'd see evidence supporting all these claims of vaccine damage, and we're not. In a world of social media where you can read about your cousin dying on facebook before her parents are notified, there are not secrets. Conspiracies are no longer plausible. Ask yourself why a New Zealand organisation has quoted an American document here. Reason to not vaccinate - No.
68. The pertussis (whooping cough) “bacteria are adapting to the vaccine and mutating, much like antibiotic resistant superbugs, becoming more pronounced and lethal” – 60 Again, a reliance on an non reputable agenda driven website. Until we get this one in the mainstream sites, it's not worth answering, nor worrying about. Even if it were true, which there is no evidence, it is not a validation to not vaccinate. Indeed, all the babies that died of whooping cough were not immunised. Reason to not vaccinate - No.
69. “30 Years of secret official transcripts show UK Government experts cover up vaccine hazards to sell more vaccines and harm your kids” – 61 . what can we say here other than LOL .. and run off to get some alfoil for our heads. we're back to the whole world of social media having no secrets, relying on the past seems a tad redundant at this point. Reason to not vaccinate - No.
70. If you need any further evidence regarding the numerous errors that occur during vaccine manufacturing, storing, administering, etc. then here is a great resource – 62. Yes, I need more evidence, can they supply anything other than an unreputable agenda driven website? Not only that, we have recently seen examples that prove they are quick to withdraw batches of immunisation if there is any concern over the batch, and then find that the concern was unfounded. This is what we would expect them to do, and they are doing it. Reason to not vaccinate - No.
71. The head of the Center for Disease Control – Julie Gerberding – admits in this interview that vaccines can cause autism-like symptoms. Same difference! 63. Again with the agenda driven anti vaccination websites. If all this proof exists, why does it only appear on these websites? Because it's not true. Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to talk to your GP - Yes.
72. Vaccines are the cause for the alarming rise in peanut allergies around the world. When I was a child, I didn’t know a single kid with a peanut allergy in our entire school. These days, peanut-containing products are banned from most school grounds to prevent deadly anaphylactic shock in those who are allergic to peanuts – 64 An interesting view into the mindset of the IAS but nothing more. In 1984 Apple released it's first computer, and doctors began diagnosing autism .. ergo, Apple causes Autism. There are a few realities here that the IAS have ignored. We have changed the way we live, we have far more reliance on technology, and on pre-processed foods, at the same time we are living in a far more polluted world than ever before, we are told to not feed our children, to feed them, to give them eggs, to not give them eggs (and so on), we wrap our children in cotton wool, we disinfect our houses from top to bottom, no germs near our children .... there are many reasons why we may be seeing rises in allergies, and NONE of them become valid simply because we want it to be, that's why we have academics. And of course i'll refer you back to previous comments about Reason to not vaccinate - No, Reason to point and laugh - Yes.
73. Yeast is a common ingredient in vaccine manufacturing and has been linked to the rise and cause of asthma in many young children – 65 Never heard this one before, it's quite late and there are drunk teenagers talking to me .. so I call bullshit until I see it from a reputible source ... Can't say i've ever seen yeast listed in immunisations, and all google told me was that there is hope for all chronic thrush sufferings, an vaccination (or needle) to help with chronic yeast infections. A quick check shows yeast in 3 vaccines, 2 of which have equivalents that are yeast 3 ... a common ingredient? I don't think so. Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to check the contents of immunisation - Yes.
74. Vaccines cause allergies because they “clog our lymphatic system and lymph nodes with large protein molecules which have not been adequately broken down by our digestive processes, since vaccines by pass digestion with injections” – 66 Bullshit. Reason to not vaccinate - No.
75. There was a 4,250% increase in fetal deaths reported to VAERS after the flu vaccine was given to pregnant women – 67 Dear IAS, you are a New Zealand organisation, and VAERS is a US database that is well described here: Reason to not vaccinate - No
Hi Addryanne, here is part 3 of Autismum's rebuttal of Jaganath Chatterjee's list 40 reasons Part 3.
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