Monday, 31 December 2012

101 excuses to attempt to justify not vaccinating Part 4

Oh thank god this dribble is coming to an end ...  the desire to just go bullshit, fucking bullshit, big load of steaming bullshit  is quite strong ...

  1. AIDS was transmitted to the human race via the monkey cells used to make vaccines. I challenge you to listen to this interview with Merck vaccine scientist Dr Maurice Hillemen who admits “I didn’t know we were importing the AIDS virus at the time.”
68 - Actually, this is inaccurate.  They don't know how HIV came to pass to man, but they have a number of theories, none of which are immunisation.   It's interesting that this point is added, because realistically most anti vaccinationists do not acknowledge the existence of HIV or AIDS.   Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to read up on HIV - Yes.
  1. Disease outbreaks still occur in fully and highly vaccinated communities. This website has several links to journal articles documenting these –
69 - i don't disagree with this.   Immunisation is not 100% effective and no one has ever claimed that it is.  Many people who are vaccinated and remain up to date with boosters will never know the joys of a vaccine preventable disease, but some will and those people will enjoy less severe symptoms and less risk of adverse outcomes.    The fact that immunisation is not 100% effective is no reason not to vaccinate, the anti vaxers are just grasping at straws here.  Reason to not immunise - No.
  1. Newly vaccinated individuals are responsible for the spread of disease via “shedding” from live virus vaccines – and
70.  Ah, i could harp on all night about their insistence on relying on these anti vaccination sites for their 'evidence'.   Yes, in some instances vaccines that have live culture can result in shedding, but has anyone heard of that happening?  Certainly not me.   This has been presented as if it's an everyday occurrence, but it's not.    As for whether it's a reason to not vaccinate, No.   Although if there is a risk of shedding and you have discussed it with your GP you may choose to not come into contact with people with compromised immune systems for the risk period.
  1. Pro-vaccination enthusiasts like to point to various (usually Big Pharma-sponsored) “research” for evidence that vaccines work. In this interesting article by John Ioannidis, he writes why most published research findings are false. It’s interesting that humanity places such value on false research, yet discredits the claims of thousands of parents all over the world when they state that their children were damaged by vaccines.
71 - Always with the Big Pharma bullshit.   The only published finding that has been identified as false was Wakefields study into MMR and autism.   I agree that it's interesting that humanity places such value on false research.    The reason why the claims of thousands of parents are not taken seriously is that they expect us to take their word for it, based on the same flawed information we have seen in these 4 documents from the IAS.  No one discredits these people, they simply ask for evidence of the link, yet they cannot supply it.   Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to supply evidence of such vaccine injuries - yes (but don't hold your breath).

  1. Those who promote vaccines also happen to be the ones who benefit from it financially. Coincidence?
 This one has already been covered, and answered.
  1. Some doctors in New Zealand are either intentionally lying about the effectiveness of vaccines, or they are just incredibly ignorant. One such example is Dr John Cameron, who blatantly lied (with a smile on his face) about the flu vaccine on “Campbell Live” earlier this year. Here is the story – – and here is the IAS’s response –
 72 - Well, firstly, he was laughing at the jokes being made before the footage we saw.  As the reporters pointed out, many of the anti vaccinationists lie about having the flu, they'll take onion water and be ok in a day .. erm, no that's not the flu.  In fact, self diagnosis is quite common in anti vaccinationists, which brings into question most things that they say.  I'm a little torn on the flu vaccine, I don't actually have them.  However, every year the flu kills hundreds in New Zealand and Australia and ten of thousands in the US.  The H1N1 virus took out lots of people without underlying health issues so I think that sometimes we don't take the flu shot seriously enough.  Having said that, the flu shot isn't on the childhood schedule and choosing not to have the flu shot is not a reason not to vaccinate for other shots.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.    But if you get the flu and give it to your colleagues, don't go whinging then they get you fired.
  1. Number 82 comes courtesy of Dr Goldman: Prior to the universal varicella vaccination program, 95% of adults experienced natural chickenpox (usually as school aged children)—these cases were usually benign and resulted in long term immunity. This high percentage of individuals having long term immunity has been compromised by mass vaccination of children which provides at best 70 to 90% immunity that is temporary and of unknown duration—shifting chickenpox to a more vulnerable adult population where chickenpox carries 20 times more risk of death and 15 times more risk of hospitalization compared to children” –
 73 - What the IAS has conveniently left out of this is the details that chicken pox can kill, it also stores shingles for some people as they age and shingles can cause disfigurement and blindness on top of the discomfort.  Additionally, chicken pox in pregnant women can cause birth defects.   The one glaring inaccuracy in the almost 101 is that the IAS hasn't actually acknoweldged once the potential impact of the diseases themselves.   Reason to not vaccinate - No.
  1. Many parents have commented that their unvaccinated children are much healthier than their vaccinated children. Here is a blog to read on one such mum’s journey –
 74 - Yes, many do so in a defensive way as they attempt to defend the indefensible.  It's actually a ludicrous statement to make and quite desperate to use it to justify non vaccinating.   The health of a child is determined by many things including genetics, environment, nutrition and even parental attitude.   Many parents of unvaccinated children have made these statements, yet I managed to put 3 kids through school without a day off sick, without a dose of anti biotics, no hospitalisation, no designer diseases, no allergies, IQ's above the norm, and all that with vaccination and bottle feeding.    There have apparently been studies of the health of children and their vaccination status is not a determining factor, the only difference is that unvaccinated children are more likely to suffer from vaccine preventable diseases than their immunised counterparts.  So it's just more bullshit.   Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to look at your lifestyle - Yes.
  1. Whybother getting the flu shot? “At best, vaccines are effective against only influenza A and B, which represent only about 10% of all circulating viruses. Therefore, there is a 90% chance you will not even be exposed to an influenza virus.”
 The flu vaccine has already been covered, and answered and seriously, using tenpenny as justification is dragging the bottom of the barrel.
  1. Here is a great resource with “cases that were awarded damages by the US Government via the Vaccine Court, which is a federal court of claims for the flu vaccine. Note the number of deaths, in just 2012” –
The flu vaccine has already been covered, and answered and seriously, using tenpenny as justification is dragging the bottom of the barrel.

  1. If you’re not yet aware of the lies and scare mongering surrounding the 2006 Bird Flu saga, then start your journey here:, also
 The flu vaccine has already been covered, and answered and seriously, using tenpenny as justification is dragging the bottom of the barrel.  Same holes true for the bird flu.
  1. Oh and don’t forget the Swine Flu hype! History is always repeating itself, so be prepared for more Big Pharma induced scare mongering in the future – with matching vaccines to “save us all” of course!
 The flu vaccine has already been covered, and answered and seriously, using tenpenny as justification is dragging the bottom of the barrel, and the swine flue.
  1. Hassle the Ozzies all you like, but at least they are waking up to the dangers of vaccination, with a 600% increase in the number of parents refusing to vaccinate –
 75 - the people from Oz don't vaccinate?  damn that rainbow!  I assume in their ignorance they are talking about Australians (or Aussies), and the recent media reports.  Well, to clear up the misconception there isn't a 600% increase in lack of vaccination, rather there was a 600% increase in the greedy grab for a government hand out for vaccinating their children.    These ignorant, neglectful welfare recipients found that if they lied on a form, they could get the money without vaccinating their kids, so of course you didn't want to be between them and the Centrelink office when they found that out.    Vaccination is a big thing in Australia and although there are pockets of areas where people don't vaccinate the rest of us are pretty good at it.   
The deceptively named antivaccination network in australia has been receiving smackdown after smackdown lately, the last being an order to change their name to more accurately reflect the nature of their organisation.   They no longer have any credibility in the vaccination discussion with the Fair Trading Minister describing them in the media as "nutjobs".
Having said all that, if someone jumped off a cliff, would you do so as well?  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.
  1. Gardasil contains polysorbate 80, also known as Tween 80, which has been linked to infertility in mice” –
 76 - Gardasil is not on the childhood schedule, but again ..   there is no way any normal thinking adult would take advice from Tenpenny who is a known antivaccinationist that has been caught time and time again giving out misinformation on vaccination.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to investigate with your GP - perhaps.
  1. An eye-opening report from the International Medical Council on Vaccination –
 77 - unreliable website.  Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. More deaths following the MMR vaccine –
 78 - unreliable website.  Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. This brave Queensland Police officer speaks out about vaccine damaged children being written off as cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). If only we had more people brave enough to come out and speak the truth about vaccines!
 79 - This one is laughable in it's lunicy.  Police investigate, they do not investigate medical issues.  This is done by the medical examiner and coroner.  Nice try, but no bananas for you.  This man obviously has issues, to hang onto what he says without investigation of his background is negligent.    Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to learn more of the roles & responsibilities of the police - Yes.
  1. A University of Pittsburgh study showed that monkeys developed autism-like reactions when given the same vaccines as children –
 80 - unreliable website.  Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. It’s all about the money, honey –
  80 - unreliable website.  Although it is intersting to note that the IAS seeks donations and sells books too, so it's all about the money there too honey.    Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. If you’d like some real-life stories of vaccine reactions, you’ll find them on this Facebook page:
 81 - Yes, if you want stories . but if you want fact and validation don't bother as you won't get it there.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.
  1. Serious neurologic, thromboembolic, and autoimmune complications have been reported in patients who received human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.” –
 this has been covered already (it's called Gardasil)
  1. And if you’d like just a little more evidence of the fraudulent activities of Big Pharma, have a read of this:’s_Desk/post/Former_Merck_Scientists_File_Suit_Against_Merck_Under_the_False_Claims_Act_/
 This has been covered mutiple times already.
  1. Dr Janet tells us the real reasons behind why doctors push vaccines:
 82 - unreliable website.  Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1.  This resource lists some great books about vaccination, with plenty of reasons to not vaccinate –
 83 - unreliable website.  (but hey, buy the book .. it's all about the money, honey)   Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. Information on the link between diabetes and vaccination –
 84 - unreliable website and there is no link between diabetes and immunisation.    Reason not to vaccinate?  No.
  1. And reasons number 101 to NOT vaccinate: listen to your gut instinct!

Only 84 honey .. only 84 .....           your gut may help in some instances, but Math is important in others.

What is sadly and glaringly missing from the 84 imagined excuses to not vaccinate is any discussion at all about the risks and the potential affects of the vaccine preventable diseases.  It's a typical anti vaccination whitewash .. lots of excuses but not answers.   Their solution is to not vaccinate, and if the disease gets you, you must have been unhealthy ...

I hate to apply godwins law, but realistically there have been other groups in history that have rid the world of the weak like the IAS would like to see happen.

But i'd like to think that we've moved beyond that and we will afford the weak all the same rights and courtesies that we offer the healthy.

Shame on you IAS, shame on you for your dishonesty and your desire to see the unhealthy dead.  You are barnacles on the backside of society.

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