Monday, 31 December 2012

101 excuses to attempt to justify not vaccinating Part 2

and so we continue with what are mostly bullshit, fabrication, pretense and tongue in cheek reasons why you should apparently  not vaccinate .. we've got to point 38 and haven't found a single reason yet why not to vaccinate.  Lets read on, there may be something hidden in the bullshit.
39. Reason number 39 really should have been reasons numbers 1 through to 101 and    beyond…and that is that the medical profession still has no clue how the immune system really works, let alone understand the fragile immune system of a 6-week old baby! Do you really think it’s a wise idea to inject foreign DNA, heavy metals, antibiotics, GMO’s, preservatives, etc. into something if you don’t know how it works? (Read this excellent blog by Hilary Butler:’s_Desk/post/Eminence_based_medicine,_part_2/)   Oh, so now they are relying on the founder of their organisation, one Hilary "i would never vaccinate" Butler to justify what is nothing more than uneducated supposition.   I think that what the medical profession knows is probably something we should ask them, they've mapped out the human genome so they have a far better understanding than the IAS would have us believe.    I think that rather than basing our immunisation decisions on what we think someone does or doesn't know, perhaps we should focus on the actual facts?    Reason to not vaccinate? No.
40. Vaccines are NOT “free,” like the Ministry of Health, Pharmaceutical companies, doctors, etc. would have us believe. They cost the NZ tax payer millions! Oh, and we also have to pay for the damage they cause.   Nothing in life is free, paying to protect our children from vaccine preventable diseases that maim and kill seems like a good investment to me.  I hear a lot about these 'vaccine injured' children, but the IAS continues to speak about them as if they exist, but they can't drag out one single example.   Fact versus fiction, it seems a no brainer to me.  Reason not to vaccinate?  No
Pharmaceutical companies cannot be trusted! Yes, I know I mentioned it in reason number 15, but just wanted to throw it in here again – this time with a fantastic video interview with Dr Russell Blaylock on fraudulent vaccine science and ethics – a must watch:     So to get to 101, they have to re-iterate the same old tired and worthless rubbish.  This one doesn't count, as it's a repeat ...     so we're back at 40.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.
Oh and if you need some more evidence of the untrustworthiness of pharmaceutical companies, read the book entitled “Diary of a Legal Drug Dealer” – - another repeat, so we're still at 40.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to be concerned about the lucidity of the writer of the article - Yes.  
Vaccination bypasses all the body’s natural defence systems – it’s a totally unnatural process – something we were not designed to have to deal with.   This is actually 41.  In the same way that having a vaccine preventable diseaese is an unnatural process.  There is plenty of real evidence to show that the benefits of vaccination are many, and the negatives are few.   Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to slap a stupid anti-vaccinator ..   maybe.
44. Antibiotics are blamed for creating superbugs, yet they are routinely added to vaccines!    This is actually 42.   They are also routinely used to save the lives of many, what's their point do you think?   Reason to not vaccinate - No.
Big Pharma keeps on increasing the amount of recommended “boosters” as it’s just such a fabulous way for them to make more money without having to do any extra work. See this excellent blog:   We've covered the supposed untrustworthyness of big pharma before, talk about doing a subject to death.     Reason to not vaccinate - No.
There is no consideration for a child’s mass when they are given a vaccine – a 6-week old baby is given the same dose as a 5 year old (read more at this blog  This is 43.   Lot of straws being grasped here.  I was going to look this one up and try and figure out what the fuck they were on about, but noticed that once again, they're using their own site to justify their point.   So rather than wasting my time, i'll just remind everyone that we have plenty of trials and real life examples of the fact that these immunisations do not harm babies.  In fact, they save lives.   Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to laugh at the anti vaccinators desperation - Yes.
Even an Immunologist with a PhD admits that vaccines “compromiseour natural immunity!”  Buy an e-copy of Dr Obukhanych’s book “Vaccine Illusion” to find out more –    This is actually 44.   This one seems more like an advertisement than a reason and is typical of the anti vaxers.   The information that is supposedly so important to the life and wellbeing needs to be purchased,    A quick google of this Dr Obukhanych finds little reference on credible sites and they are a single person in a world of over 7 billion, I think i might save my money.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.
48. Childhood illnesses actually help to strengthen a child’s immune system.   This is actually 45, although i suspect it's a bit of a repeat.   Well, that's assumming they survive them, which many in the past have not and some in the present still do not.  Immunisation also helps to strengthen the child's immune system.   Reason to vaccinate?  No.
49. The short term immunity that is sometimes gained from vaccination in childhood only means it is much harder for the body to deal with when that immunity has waned and you get the illness as an adult,.     This is 46 although it really is just an extension of 45.  This one is a little silly as well, I suspect the writer had hit the wacky tabacky by now.    The emotive nature of the statement befits the kindy playground, not the adult arena.   It's also blatantly incorrect in many instances, and in the instance of chicken pox is beyond incorrect.    Shingles is a result of childhood infection with chicken pox, it is not a side effect of the immunisation.   Having to have boosters for some immunisations is a small price to pay for knowing that we haven't infected and damaged / killed someone elses child.    Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to ignore the anti vaccinators - Yes.
50. Reason number 50 comes from the IAS’s informative brochure, which can be downloaded free here: -
“Vaccines are commonly believed to work by producing antibodies. However, a number of researchers have found that the presence of antibodies only indicates that the immune system has come into contact with an antigen.”
What this means is that we are told of vaccines producing antibodies, which in turn will protect us against disease, is a lie! The presence of antibodies does NOT equal immunity!We know what the signs and symptoms of the so called “vaccine preventable” diseases (e.g. measles, influenza, pertussis etc.) are. We know the best the treatments (natural or pharmaceutical) for each. However, once vaccinated, possible side effects from the vaccinations (all noted in the insert leaflets) are many and various, and may or may not be successfully dealt with.    The government has determined that the IAS do not give out accurate and unbiased nformation on immunisation, their brochure is not a reliable document to use when researching immunisation..  Reason not to immunise - No.     And by the way, ,this is only 46.


  1. Here is Autismum's part 2, analyzing Jaganath Chatterjee's similar foolishness

    Part 2

  2. An excellent read, what a darn shame that the anti vaccinationists won't bother to read, or can't understand them.
