Monday, 31 December 2012

101 excuses to attempt to justify not vaccinating Part 4

Oh thank god this dribble is coming to an end ...  the desire to just go bullshit, fucking bullshit, big load of steaming bullshit  is quite strong ...

  1. AIDS was transmitted to the human race via the monkey cells used to make vaccines. I challenge you to listen to this interview with Merck vaccine scientist Dr Maurice Hillemen who admits “I didn’t know we were importing the AIDS virus at the time.”
68 - Actually, this is inaccurate.  They don't know how HIV came to pass to man, but they have a number of theories, none of which are immunisation.   It's interesting that this point is added, because realistically most anti vaccinationists do not acknowledge the existence of HIV or AIDS.   Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to read up on HIV - Yes.
  1. Disease outbreaks still occur in fully and highly vaccinated communities. This website has several links to journal articles documenting these –
69 - i don't disagree with this.   Immunisation is not 100% effective and no one has ever claimed that it is.  Many people who are vaccinated and remain up to date with boosters will never know the joys of a vaccine preventable disease, but some will and those people will enjoy less severe symptoms and less risk of adverse outcomes.    The fact that immunisation is not 100% effective is no reason not to vaccinate, the anti vaxers are just grasping at straws here.  Reason to not immunise - No.
  1. Newly vaccinated individuals are responsible for the spread of disease via “shedding” from live virus vaccines – and
70.  Ah, i could harp on all night about their insistence on relying on these anti vaccination sites for their 'evidence'.   Yes, in some instances vaccines that have live culture can result in shedding, but has anyone heard of that happening?  Certainly not me.   This has been presented as if it's an everyday occurrence, but it's not.    As for whether it's a reason to not vaccinate, No.   Although if there is a risk of shedding and you have discussed it with your GP you may choose to not come into contact with people with compromised immune systems for the risk period.
  1. Pro-vaccination enthusiasts like to point to various (usually Big Pharma-sponsored) “research” for evidence that vaccines work. In this interesting article by John Ioannidis, he writes why most published research findings are false. It’s interesting that humanity places such value on false research, yet discredits the claims of thousands of parents all over the world when they state that their children were damaged by vaccines.
71 - Always with the Big Pharma bullshit.   The only published finding that has been identified as false was Wakefields study into MMR and autism.   I agree that it's interesting that humanity places such value on false research.    The reason why the claims of thousands of parents are not taken seriously is that they expect us to take their word for it, based on the same flawed information we have seen in these 4 documents from the IAS.  No one discredits these people, they simply ask for evidence of the link, yet they cannot supply it.   Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to supply evidence of such vaccine injuries - yes (but don't hold your breath).

  1. Those who promote vaccines also happen to be the ones who benefit from it financially. Coincidence?
 This one has already been covered, and answered.
  1. Some doctors in New Zealand are either intentionally lying about the effectiveness of vaccines, or they are just incredibly ignorant. One such example is Dr John Cameron, who blatantly lied (with a smile on his face) about the flu vaccine on “Campbell Live” earlier this year. Here is the story – – and here is the IAS’s response –
 72 - Well, firstly, he was laughing at the jokes being made before the footage we saw.  As the reporters pointed out, many of the anti vaccinationists lie about having the flu, they'll take onion water and be ok in a day .. erm, no that's not the flu.  In fact, self diagnosis is quite common in anti vaccinationists, which brings into question most things that they say.  I'm a little torn on the flu vaccine, I don't actually have them.  However, every year the flu kills hundreds in New Zealand and Australia and ten of thousands in the US.  The H1N1 virus took out lots of people without underlying health issues so I think that sometimes we don't take the flu shot seriously enough.  Having said that, the flu shot isn't on the childhood schedule and choosing not to have the flu shot is not a reason not to vaccinate for other shots.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.    But if you get the flu and give it to your colleagues, don't go whinging then they get you fired.
  1. Number 82 comes courtesy of Dr Goldman: Prior to the universal varicella vaccination program, 95% of adults experienced natural chickenpox (usually as school aged children)—these cases were usually benign and resulted in long term immunity. This high percentage of individuals having long term immunity has been compromised by mass vaccination of children which provides at best 70 to 90% immunity that is temporary and of unknown duration—shifting chickenpox to a more vulnerable adult population where chickenpox carries 20 times more risk of death and 15 times more risk of hospitalization compared to children” –
 73 - What the IAS has conveniently left out of this is the details that chicken pox can kill, it also stores shingles for some people as they age and shingles can cause disfigurement and blindness on top of the discomfort.  Additionally, chicken pox in pregnant women can cause birth defects.   The one glaring inaccuracy in the almost 101 is that the IAS hasn't actually acknoweldged once the potential impact of the diseases themselves.   Reason to not vaccinate - No.
  1. Many parents have commented that their unvaccinated children are much healthier than their vaccinated children. Here is a blog to read on one such mum’s journey –
 74 - Yes, many do so in a defensive way as they attempt to defend the indefensible.  It's actually a ludicrous statement to make and quite desperate to use it to justify non vaccinating.   The health of a child is determined by many things including genetics, environment, nutrition and even parental attitude.   Many parents of unvaccinated children have made these statements, yet I managed to put 3 kids through school without a day off sick, without a dose of anti biotics, no hospitalisation, no designer diseases, no allergies, IQ's above the norm, and all that with vaccination and bottle feeding.    There have apparently been studies of the health of children and their vaccination status is not a determining factor, the only difference is that unvaccinated children are more likely to suffer from vaccine preventable diseases than their immunised counterparts.  So it's just more bullshit.   Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to look at your lifestyle - Yes.
  1. Whybother getting the flu shot? “At best, vaccines are effective against only influenza A and B, which represent only about 10% of all circulating viruses. Therefore, there is a 90% chance you will not even be exposed to an influenza virus.”
 The flu vaccine has already been covered, and answered and seriously, using tenpenny as justification is dragging the bottom of the barrel.
  1. Here is a great resource with “cases that were awarded damages by the US Government via the Vaccine Court, which is a federal court of claims for the flu vaccine. Note the number of deaths, in just 2012” –
The flu vaccine has already been covered, and answered and seriously, using tenpenny as justification is dragging the bottom of the barrel.

  1. If you’re not yet aware of the lies and scare mongering surrounding the 2006 Bird Flu saga, then start your journey here:, also
 The flu vaccine has already been covered, and answered and seriously, using tenpenny as justification is dragging the bottom of the barrel.  Same holes true for the bird flu.
  1. Oh and don’t forget the Swine Flu hype! History is always repeating itself, so be prepared for more Big Pharma induced scare mongering in the future – with matching vaccines to “save us all” of course!
 The flu vaccine has already been covered, and answered and seriously, using tenpenny as justification is dragging the bottom of the barrel, and the swine flue.
  1. Hassle the Ozzies all you like, but at least they are waking up to the dangers of vaccination, with a 600% increase in the number of parents refusing to vaccinate –
 75 - the people from Oz don't vaccinate?  damn that rainbow!  I assume in their ignorance they are talking about Australians (or Aussies), and the recent media reports.  Well, to clear up the misconception there isn't a 600% increase in lack of vaccination, rather there was a 600% increase in the greedy grab for a government hand out for vaccinating their children.    These ignorant, neglectful welfare recipients found that if they lied on a form, they could get the money without vaccinating their kids, so of course you didn't want to be between them and the Centrelink office when they found that out.    Vaccination is a big thing in Australia and although there are pockets of areas where people don't vaccinate the rest of us are pretty good at it.   
The deceptively named antivaccination network in australia has been receiving smackdown after smackdown lately, the last being an order to change their name to more accurately reflect the nature of their organisation.   They no longer have any credibility in the vaccination discussion with the Fair Trading Minister describing them in the media as "nutjobs".
Having said all that, if someone jumped off a cliff, would you do so as well?  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.
  1. Gardasil contains polysorbate 80, also known as Tween 80, which has been linked to infertility in mice” –
 76 - Gardasil is not on the childhood schedule, but again ..   there is no way any normal thinking adult would take advice from Tenpenny who is a known antivaccinationist that has been caught time and time again giving out misinformation on vaccination.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to investigate with your GP - perhaps.
  1. An eye-opening report from the International Medical Council on Vaccination –
 77 - unreliable website.  Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. More deaths following the MMR vaccine –
 78 - unreliable website.  Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. This brave Queensland Police officer speaks out about vaccine damaged children being written off as cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). If only we had more people brave enough to come out and speak the truth about vaccines!
 79 - This one is laughable in it's lunicy.  Police investigate, they do not investigate medical issues.  This is done by the medical examiner and coroner.  Nice try, but no bananas for you.  This man obviously has issues, to hang onto what he says without investigation of his background is negligent.    Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to learn more of the roles & responsibilities of the police - Yes.
  1. A University of Pittsburgh study showed that monkeys developed autism-like reactions when given the same vaccines as children –
 80 - unreliable website.  Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. It’s all about the money, honey –
  80 - unreliable website.  Although it is intersting to note that the IAS seeks donations and sells books too, so it's all about the money there too honey.    Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. If you’d like some real-life stories of vaccine reactions, you’ll find them on this Facebook page:
 81 - Yes, if you want stories . but if you want fact and validation don't bother as you won't get it there.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.
  1. Serious neurologic, thromboembolic, and autoimmune complications have been reported in patients who received human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.” –
 this has been covered already (it's called Gardasil)
  1. And if you’d like just a little more evidence of the fraudulent activities of Big Pharma, have a read of this:’s_Desk/post/Former_Merck_Scientists_File_Suit_Against_Merck_Under_the_False_Claims_Act_/
 This has been covered mutiple times already.
  1. Dr Janet tells us the real reasons behind why doctors push vaccines:
 82 - unreliable website.  Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1.  This resource lists some great books about vaccination, with plenty of reasons to not vaccinate –
 83 - unreliable website.  (but hey, buy the book .. it's all about the money, honey)   Reason to not vaccinate - No
  1. Information on the link between diabetes and vaccination –
 84 - unreliable website and there is no link between diabetes and immunisation.    Reason not to vaccinate?  No.
  1. And reasons number 101 to NOT vaccinate: listen to your gut instinct!

Only 84 honey .. only 84 .....           your gut may help in some instances, but Math is important in others.

What is sadly and glaringly missing from the 84 imagined excuses to not vaccinate is any discussion at all about the risks and the potential affects of the vaccine preventable diseases.  It's a typical anti vaccination whitewash .. lots of excuses but not answers.   Their solution is to not vaccinate, and if the disease gets you, you must have been unhealthy ...

I hate to apply godwins law, but realistically there have been other groups in history that have rid the world of the weak like the IAS would like to see happen.

But i'd like to think that we've moved beyond that and we will afford the weak all the same rights and courtesies that we offer the healthy.

Shame on you IAS, shame on you for your dishonesty and your desire to see the unhealthy dead.  You are barnacles on the backside of society.

101 excuses to attempt to justify not vaccinating Part 3

OMG they're still going ...
wait, that happened to 51?   Which is really 47?   cheaters never prosper ...
52. This “60 Minutes” program was on in July 2011 and looks at two New Zealand children who were brain damaged by the whooping cough vaccine and another who was killed by the Gardasil vaccine. During June 2005 and June 2011, ACC paid out on 449 claims of vaccine damage –  This is actually 47, they've missed a few.      No validation again, but we know that the Gardasil death was due to a pre-existing condition that everyone other than the anti vaccinationists have managed to understand, but then they're in good company as the deaths due to Gardasil in the US that they quote included someone who fell down a well, someone who got shot in the head and someone who fell off a horse.  What they really mean is that these people died AFTER being immunised, not due to immunisation.    The girl in the article they rely on here is over 20 years old, and it's hard to discuss an incident with so few details.  The DPT vaccination was change due to adverse reactions, and the new vaccine is much safer than the old one was.   Without minimising the tragedy of a child who suffers an adverse reaction to an immunisation, we need to remember that 13 babies die in the UK this year alone due to whooping cough, a number in Australia and New Zealand as well as other countries.    Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to seek advice from your GP - Yes.
53. The Hippocratic Oath states that physicians swear to do no harm – yet vaccines routinely destroy the lives of people right around the world (    This one is 48.    I guess someone should tell the IAS that Doctors no longer take the Hippocratic Oath.   After all, those who take the oath cannot cut anyone and they cannot perform abortions, both actions are quite legal and necessary procedures in some instances.   This one i suppose is one of those tongue in cheek ones, as quite frankly I snorted my coffee out my nose while reading it.  Reason to not vaccinate?  no.  Reason to laugh like a lunatic?  yes.
54. The polio vaccine actually causes vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP) –    49.   Again they rely on an agenda driven website to justify what is quite a silly little comment.     Reason to not vaccinate in a 1st world country?  no.  Reason to not vaccinate in India ..   given how many people die of polio - no.
55. Vaccines are Bill Gates’ means for accomplishing world depopulation –     This one has been covered already, it's just reworded.     It's also more than a little silly, but in this bunch .. silly seems the norm.
56. GlaxoSmithKline were responsible for the death of 14 babies during illegal vaccine experiments –$1m-over-tests-that-killed-14–babies     50.  Last time I looked the IAS were a New Zealand based group.   The alleged behaviour of an organisation in a country without the same laws, checks and balances is actually irrelevant.   Reason to not vaccinate?  No.
57. Even though mercury has been linked to numerous illnesses, it is still routinely used in vaccines –     Actually, this one is also a lie.    51.   Organomercuries, which are not the same as the mercury in your thermometer, although the IAS won't bother with the distinction, is not contained in most vaccinations, in fact I believe currently there are only trace elements in one of the immunisations on the childhood schedule.   The IAS has failed to explain that there are differing types of mercury and you're more likely to come into contact with the bad ones eating seafood or other foods than you would in an immunisation.    Reason to not vaccinate?  no.  Reason to point at the IAS and chant "liar liar, pants onfire" - Yes.
58. Even fully vaccinated doctors get whooping cough – so what’s the point in getting vaccinated?       52.   Well, I think the point is that if we don't get vaccinated, we may infect a small child and that small child may get really sick and die due to whooping cough, like the 13 in the UK this year and the others that died in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and other countries.    I guess the IAS didn't actually read the article as it ends with ""While the vaccine is extremely effective in preventing severe disease, it does not always prevent infection in all people," he said."    The IAS seems to believe that it has to be 100% effective or it's worthless, but that's quite an ignorant statement and shows a lack of understanding of the physics of immunisation, and realistically do we want to take our immunisation advice from people who don't understand how it works?  Reason to not vaccinate - No.
59. Vaccine ingredients can lead to a severe form of kidney disease –      53   Again with the reliance on the non reputable agenda driven sites.     All immunisations come with a risk, but the risk is minuscule when compared to the risk to getting the vaccine preventable diseases.  I would want to see that article from a more reputable site before I read it.  Reason to not immunise - No. Reason to seek more information from your GP - Yes.
60. The whole policy of vaccination is based on money, not on health, safety or anything else that might benefit the human race –      54   This is nothing more than a person opinion that has been drawn due to their anti-vaccination stand.  There is no validation of this opinion and quite frankly, I find it as offensive as it is ludicrous.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No    Reason to think anti vaccinationists are nutjobs - Yes.
61. Vaccines are the cause for many of the chronic diseases we see these days –     55.  Anything that relies on for validation is clearly rubbish.   Though in this instance I don't think you  need any more than simple common sense to know that this statement is rubbish .. I guess it's one of those tongue in cheek ones she mentioned.    It doesn't even deserve a response, its' so stupid.   Reason to not vaccinate - No. 
62. Vaccines are used to commit genocide among First Nations people in Canada –    56   How interesting, in Australia and New Zealand it was the diseases that ran rampant killing all of the natives.   The vaccines actually saved their lives.   Oh, the link is hardly reputable either, it's just an email and one without the header information to validate authenticity .  Additionally, it is ancient information and even if it is true (and i'm not commenting on that), it would pale into insignifance compared to the atrocities that were inflicted upon the indigenous of these countries).  There is no evidence in the emails that prove the's not worth reading.  Reason to not vaccinate?   No    Reason to lament past behaviours - sure, if it's true.
63. Vaccination is not compulsory in New Zealand – we have the “Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment” –      57  This is true.  Vaccination should never be compulsory.  Families should make the decision that they are comfortable with, but they should make those decisions based on accurate information, not opinion, supposition and outright lies.    The fact that you don't have to vaccinate is not a justification not to vaccinate, in fact doing something just because you can when it relates to the health and well being of a child in our care is negligent parenting.  Reason to not vaccinate No.   Reason to investigate - Yes, but base it on accurate information and not the misinformation from IAS and other like organisations.
64. If you’re religious, then there are plenty of reasons to not vaccinate –  58   There isn't a single religion that restricts vaccination, and anyone who is not religious and claims a religious exemption is a liar who, given vaccination is not compulsory certainly lacks morals and ethics that many of us would consider were necessary to be a good role model for children.    Reason to not vaccinate - Not really . but if we had to choose 1 ... we'd choose this one out of the 97. then i guess this could be it.
65. More information is becoming available regarding the link to vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) –   57.   Actually, there is absolutely no evidence that links SIDs to immunisation.  In fact, SIDs is one of the anti immunisaiton catchalls .. see, anti vaxers believe that anything that happens to you from the point of immunisation to your death, regardless of the time taken is vaccine injury.    Immunisation occurs from 2 months and SIDs generally occurs between 2-6 months.    It's co-incidence.  If it were true that immunisation causes SIDS, then unimmunised children wouldn't die of SIDs, but they do.    Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to talk to your GP, sure .. if the misinformation of the anti vaxers worries you.
66. Most doctors have no idea what ingredients are found in vaccines. If you don’t believe me, ask your doctor at your next visit! Why would you allow your doctor to inject you with something when they do not even know its ingredients?  58     This is a deliberate lie too.  Most doctors do know what's in the immunisation, and the ingredients are freely available so we know what's in them too.  The only people who don't seem to know are the anti vaxers who insist on ingredients that simply aren't in there.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to find out about the contents - yes.
67. “Only about 1% of serious events are reported to the FDA” – That means that 99% of adverse vaccine reactions are not reported –      59   This is also a misconception.      In Australia and I suspect New Zealand reporting of adverse affects is mandatory and accordingly, the reporting of adverse events are quite high.   Indeed, it would make sense that if there were so many adverse effects we'd see more about it in the media and we'd see evidence supporting all these claims of vaccine damage, and we're not.  In a world of social media where you can read about your cousin dying on facebook before her parents are notified, there are not secrets.  Conspiracies are no longer plausible.   Ask yourself why a New Zealand organisation has quoted an American document here.     Reason to not vaccinate - No.
68. The pertussis (whooping cough) “bacteria are adapting to the vaccine and mutating, much like antibiotic resistant superbugs, becoming more pronounced and lethal” –   60     Again, a reliance on an non reputable agenda driven website. Until we get this one in the mainstream sites, it's not worth answering, nor worrying about.  Even if it were true, which there is no evidence, it is not a validation to not vaccinate.  Indeed, all the babies that died of whooping cough were not immunised.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.
69. “30 Years of secret official transcripts show UK Government experts cover up vaccine hazards to sell more vaccines and harm your kids” –    61 . what can we say here other than LOL .. and run off to get some alfoil for our heads.  we're back to the whole world of social media having no secrets, relying on the past seems a tad redundant at this point.    Reason to not vaccinate - No.  
70. If you need any further evidence regarding the numerous errors that occur during vaccine manufacturing, storing, administering, etc. then here is a great resource –   62.   Yes, I need more evidence, can they supply anything other than an unreputable agenda driven website?   Not only that, we have recently seen examples that prove they are quick to withdraw batches of immunisation if there is any concern over the batch, and then find that the concern was unfounded.   This is what we would expect them to do, and they are doing it.   Reason to not vaccinate - No.
71. The head of the Center for Disease Control – Julie Gerberding – admits in this interview that vaccines can cause autism-like symptoms. Same difference!    63.  Again with the agenda driven anti vaccination websites.   If all this proof exists, why does it only appear on these websites?    Because it's not true.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.    Reason to talk to your GP - Yes.
72. Vaccines are the cause for the alarming rise in peanut allergies around the world. When I was a child, I didn’t know a single kid with a peanut allergy in our entire school. These days, peanut-containing products are banned from most school grounds to prevent deadly anaphylactic shock in those who are allergic to peanuts –      64  An interesting view into the mindset of the IAS but nothing more.  In 1984 Apple released it's first computer, and doctors began diagnosing autism .. ergo, Apple causes Autism.   There are a few realities here that the IAS have ignored.  We have changed the way we live, we have far more reliance on technology, and on pre-processed foods, at the same time we are living in a far more polluted world than ever before, we are told to not feed our children, to feed them, to give them eggs, to not give them eggs (and so on), we wrap our children in cotton wool, we disinfect our houses from top to bottom, no germs near our children ....   there are many reasons why we may be seeing rises in allergies, and NONE of them become valid simply because we want it to be, that's why we have academics.    And of course i'll refer you back to previous comments about     Reason to not vaccinate - No,    Reason to point and laugh - Yes.
73. Yeast is a common ingredient in vaccine manufacturing and has been linked to the rise and cause of asthma in many young children –  65  Never heard this one before, it's quite late and there are drunk teenagers talking to me .. so I call bullshit until I see it from a reputible source ...   Can't say i've ever seen yeast listed in immunisations, and all google told me was that there is hope for all chronic thrush sufferings, an vaccination (or needle) to help with chronic yeast infections.    A quick check shows yeast in 3 vaccines, 2 of which have equivalents that are yeast 3 ...   a common ingredient?  I don't think so.     Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to check the contents of immunisation - Yes.
74. Vaccines cause allergies because they “clog our lymphatic system and lymph nodes with large protein molecules which have not been adequately broken down by our digestive processes, since vaccines by pass digestion with injections” –   66    Bullshit.    Reason to not vaccinate -  No.
75. There was a 4,250% increase in fetal deaths reported to VAERS after the flu vaccine was given to pregnant women –  67   Dear IAS, you are a New Zealand organisation, and VAERS is a US database that is well described here:    Reason to not vaccinate - No   

101 excuses to attempt to justify not vaccinating Part 2

and so we continue with what are mostly bullshit, fabrication, pretense and tongue in cheek reasons why you should apparently  not vaccinate .. we've got to point 38 and haven't found a single reason yet why not to vaccinate.  Lets read on, there may be something hidden in the bullshit.
39. Reason number 39 really should have been reasons numbers 1 through to 101 and    beyond…and that is that the medical profession still has no clue how the immune system really works, let alone understand the fragile immune system of a 6-week old baby! Do you really think it’s a wise idea to inject foreign DNA, heavy metals, antibiotics, GMO’s, preservatives, etc. into something if you don’t know how it works? (Read this excellent blog by Hilary Butler:’s_Desk/post/Eminence_based_medicine,_part_2/)   Oh, so now they are relying on the founder of their organisation, one Hilary "i would never vaccinate" Butler to justify what is nothing more than uneducated supposition.   I think that what the medical profession knows is probably something we should ask them, they've mapped out the human genome so they have a far better understanding than the IAS would have us believe.    I think that rather than basing our immunisation decisions on what we think someone does or doesn't know, perhaps we should focus on the actual facts?    Reason to not vaccinate? No.
40. Vaccines are NOT “free,” like the Ministry of Health, Pharmaceutical companies, doctors, etc. would have us believe. They cost the NZ tax payer millions! Oh, and we also have to pay for the damage they cause.   Nothing in life is free, paying to protect our children from vaccine preventable diseases that maim and kill seems like a good investment to me.  I hear a lot about these 'vaccine injured' children, but the IAS continues to speak about them as if they exist, but they can't drag out one single example.   Fact versus fiction, it seems a no brainer to me.  Reason not to vaccinate?  No
Pharmaceutical companies cannot be trusted! Yes, I know I mentioned it in reason number 15, but just wanted to throw it in here again – this time with a fantastic video interview with Dr Russell Blaylock on fraudulent vaccine science and ethics – a must watch:     So to get to 101, they have to re-iterate the same old tired and worthless rubbish.  This one doesn't count, as it's a repeat ...     so we're back at 40.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.
Oh and if you need some more evidence of the untrustworthiness of pharmaceutical companies, read the book entitled “Diary of a Legal Drug Dealer” – - another repeat, so we're still at 40.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to be concerned about the lucidity of the writer of the article - Yes.  
Vaccination bypasses all the body’s natural defence systems – it’s a totally unnatural process – something we were not designed to have to deal with.   This is actually 41.  In the same way that having a vaccine preventable diseaese is an unnatural process.  There is plenty of real evidence to show that the benefits of vaccination are many, and the negatives are few.   Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to slap a stupid anti-vaccinator ..   maybe.
44. Antibiotics are blamed for creating superbugs, yet they are routinely added to vaccines!    This is actually 42.   They are also routinely used to save the lives of many, what's their point do you think?   Reason to not vaccinate - No.
Big Pharma keeps on increasing the amount of recommended “boosters” as it’s just such a fabulous way for them to make more money without having to do any extra work. See this excellent blog:   We've covered the supposed untrustworthyness of big pharma before, talk about doing a subject to death.     Reason to not vaccinate - No.
There is no consideration for a child’s mass when they are given a vaccine – a 6-week old baby is given the same dose as a 5 year old (read more at this blog  This is 43.   Lot of straws being grasped here.  I was going to look this one up and try and figure out what the fuck they were on about, but noticed that once again, they're using their own site to justify their point.   So rather than wasting my time, i'll just remind everyone that we have plenty of trials and real life examples of the fact that these immunisations do not harm babies.  In fact, they save lives.   Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to laugh at the anti vaccinators desperation - Yes.
Even an Immunologist with a PhD admits that vaccines “compromiseour natural immunity!”  Buy an e-copy of Dr Obukhanych’s book “Vaccine Illusion” to find out more –    This is actually 44.   This one seems more like an advertisement than a reason and is typical of the anti vaxers.   The information that is supposedly so important to the life and wellbeing needs to be purchased,    A quick google of this Dr Obukhanych finds little reference on credible sites and they are a single person in a world of over 7 billion, I think i might save my money.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.
48. Childhood illnesses actually help to strengthen a child’s immune system.   This is actually 45, although i suspect it's a bit of a repeat.   Well, that's assumming they survive them, which many in the past have not and some in the present still do not.  Immunisation also helps to strengthen the child's immune system.   Reason to vaccinate?  No.
49. The short term immunity that is sometimes gained from vaccination in childhood only means it is much harder for the body to deal with when that immunity has waned and you get the illness as an adult,.     This is 46 although it really is just an extension of 45.  This one is a little silly as well, I suspect the writer had hit the wacky tabacky by now.    The emotive nature of the statement befits the kindy playground, not the adult arena.   It's also blatantly incorrect in many instances, and in the instance of chicken pox is beyond incorrect.    Shingles is a result of childhood infection with chicken pox, it is not a side effect of the immunisation.   Having to have boosters for some immunisations is a small price to pay for knowing that we haven't infected and damaged / killed someone elses child.    Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to ignore the anti vaccinators - Yes.
50. Reason number 50 comes from the IAS’s informative brochure, which can be downloaded free here: -
“Vaccines are commonly believed to work by producing antibodies. However, a number of researchers have found that the presence of antibodies only indicates that the immune system has come into contact with an antigen.”
What this means is that we are told of vaccines producing antibodies, which in turn will protect us against disease, is a lie! The presence of antibodies does NOT equal immunity!We know what the signs and symptoms of the so called “vaccine preventable” diseases (e.g. measles, influenza, pertussis etc.) are. We know the best the treatments (natural or pharmaceutical) for each. However, once vaccinated, possible side effects from the vaccinations (all noted in the insert leaflets) are many and various, and may or may not be successfully dealt with.    The government has determined that the IAS do not give out accurate and unbiased nformation on immunisation, their brochure is not a reliable document to use when researching immunisation..  Reason not to immunise - No.     And by the way, ,this is only 46.

101 Reasons not to vaccinate? Reasons? or excuses? Part 1

This list is from the New Zealand anti-vaccination lobby group - the deceptively named Immunisation Awareness Society.  It reads a little like a lot of kids in a class room got together to think of excuses, some are actually quite ludicrous ... 
Which of course ,they admit when they say "Ok, I admit…some of these reasons are a bit tongue in cheek…" 
Which makes you wonder what their goal is, certainly not to be taken seriously ...
  1. NO vaccine is 100% safe     -  no medical procedure is without risk, however the risk to immunisation is minuscule compared to the risk of side effects for the vaccine preventable disease    Reason not to vaccinate?   No.
  2. NO vaccine is 100% effective - no medical procedure is 100% effective, however the risk of catching vaccine preventable diseases decreases with a higher immunisation level in the community.   Reason not to vaccinate?   No. 
  3. ALL vaccines have severe life-threatening side-effects - this is an out and out lie, some vaccines have a miniscule risk of severe or life threatening side effects, but you know, I've never met a person who had a severe reaction to any of the immunisations on the childhood vaccine schedule, and I am certainly not aware of a single death.  Reason not to vaccine?   No.   Concern to discuss with your doctor - Yes. 
  4. Any “immunity” gained from a vaccine is short term only.  Again, this is a lie.  Immunity differs per person. Some immunity is lifelong, other wanes over time.  Reason to not vaccinate - even if it were true WHICH IT FUCKINGWELL ISN'T (to quote Penn & Teller), it's not reason not to vaccinate.
  5. There are no long term studies that have been done on the effects of vaccination ( - It's a bit arrogant to use your own website to justify your own bullshit, but the long term effects of immunisation have been studied and can be seen within the immunised community - reason not to vaccinate?  No.
  6. Vaccine safety trials are only carried out on healthy babies, children and adults yet once approved, they are given to everyone – healthy or not.   Another lie.   Children with medical concerns are routinely not immunised, they rely on the herd immunity to remain safe.  Reason not to vaccinate?   No.
  7. Vaccine safety trials are paid for by the very people who make the vaccines, so there is no possibility of the information being unbiased or truthful.  Another lie.  A common one amongst anti-vaccinationists.   Safety trials are run under the scrutiny of government organisations under strict guidelines.   Reason not to vaccinate, No.
  8. Unvaccinated children are much healthier than vaccinated children ( This is one of the biggest bits of bullshit in a very large steaming pile.    It's not only not true, but it's amusing that they use an unreliable blatantly anti vaccination website to support this piece of garbage.  Reason not to vaccinate.  No  
  9. Vaccination is NOT responsible for the decline in infectious diseases ( You know when they rely on these unreliable blatantly anti vaccination websites that they're bullshitting you, we've found another one.   Vaccination is responsible for the decline in infectious diseases,.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.
  10. The polio vaccine of the 1950’s and 60’s was contaminated by the SV40 virus which is now confirmed to have caused cancer in many people who had received the vaccine. New viruses are being discovered all the time, so it’s a matter of Russian roulette on when such a virus will sneak into another vaccine ( - The polio vaccination given now is not the same as given in the 50's and 60's, so this is just a diversion.  Reason not to vaccinate?  No.
  11. The cells of an aborted human fetus was used to make the rubella vaccine (part of the MMR vaccine) ( - Note again, their use of their own site to justify their statement.  Reliability factor = zero.  Reason to not vaccinate?  No.  Reason to investigate further?  Perhaps, but use reliable and reputable websites and if you remain concerned, talk to your GP.
  12. Cow cells, monkey cells and chick embryo cells are all found in various vaccines – how can anyone really know the long term effects of injecting this foreign DNA into a 6 week old baby’s body?  A statement without validation.  Which vaccines?  Where?   If it sounds like bullshit, it usually is.    We have been receiving these immunisations for decades, if you want to know the long term effects of immunisation, look around you.  It may be worthwhile also noting that we routinely eat cow and chicken so i'm not sure what the point is here.    If you have concerns about the contents of immunisation, their contents are listed on the internet and you can investigate what is in them by visiting reputable websites and reading up on them. Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  13. Add some heavy metals, antibiotics and preservatives to # 12 above and you have a toxic cocktail called a vaccine.   This one is just the same old tired bullshit that the anti vaccinationists ply.  They seem incapable of understanding the difference between an organic and non organic product and .02mg seems the same in their mind to 2 tonne.   There is more risk of being hit by a toilet seat falling of an airplane than having an adverse reaction to a vaccine, but you won't hear them point that little fact out.  Reason not to vaccinate?  No.  Reason to talk to your GP, if you're concerned.
  14. Oh, and don’t forget to add some GMO’s to the above as well!    I think they may just have burped out of their backside.   Same deal as 12 & 13.
  15. PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES CANNOT BE TRUSTED! They have proven over and over again that they are only in it for the money ( and    And yet, they want you to trust an organisation that is set up on the internet, relies on unreputable agenda driven websites that's main focus is collecting your money in the form of donations.   I have never seen any shred of evidence that pharmaceutical companies cannot be trusted, and aren't going to change my mind just because some anti vaccination bimbo says so in capitals with an exclamation mark on the internet.  Reason to note vaccinate - No.    Have we noticed that we have got to point 15 and there is no mention of the risks to the diseases .. interesting oversight, lets read on and see if that changes.
  16. An Italian court has ruled that MMR was the cause of autism in this man’s case: This too is a lie.  The Italian court determined that there was a high likelihood that the MMR immunisation adversely affected this child due to a pre-existing underlying medical condition.    Even then, while this may well be true, the court has to weed through the 'evidence' and in cases of permanent damage to children, they do tend to err on the side of caution.  This does not prove that MMR causes autism, in fact there have been 12 distinct studies since Wakefield jimmied his results, and not one could find a link.   Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  17. In New Zealand, “a fully vaccinated child in 1961 would have received 12 vaccines for four diseases (four jabs and three sips) up until the age of five.” (“Investigate before your vaccinate” – book by Sue Claridge). The current vaccine schedule includes 11 injections for 10 diseases by age four ( This will continue to increase as the pharmaceutical companies realise they can make more money if they inject our children with more vaccines.   This is nothing more than speculation by a woman with a clearly defined anti vaccination agenda.   Indeed within a list of 101 reasons not to vaccinate what may or may not happen in the future isn't even relevant.    It's an anti vaccination misconception that pharmaceutical companies make big dollars out of immunisation, there is far more money to be made on other aspects of pharmaceutical, and a couple of the companies had to be 'convinced' through incentives to continue focusing on immunisation.   It's worth noting here too, that the comment form IAS has no consideration at all to the risk of the disease, it's like they just can't grasp that there is a disease that is being immunised against.  Reason not to vaccinate = No.  A good potential script for Hollywood?  Perhaps.
  18. Herd immunity by means of vaccination is a LIE the pharmaceutical companies use to make parents feel bad for not vaccinating their children (  Again note the reliance on the information on their own site to validate this point.   The NSW Government determined that these agenda driven anti-vaccination organisations did not give out accurate information on immunisation.  We really need to see the information from reputable websites prior to taking it as fact, and this has not been supplied, because there isn't any evidence to support their opinion.   Reason not to vaccinate - No.    
  19. Vaccines are regularly being withdrawn from the market due to adverse reactions, ( - Untrue.  In fact, you can't get much more desperate than relying on to validate a point.   No immunisation on the childhood schedule has been withdrawn from market due to adverse reaction since they changed the whooping cough vaccination decades ago. Indeed, the change in vaccination to one that is less effective but less prone to side effects pretty much puts paid to may of the farcical claims of the anti vaccination lobby.  Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  20. In New Zealand, 65% of people who contracted whooping cough in 2012 were vaccinated! (
  21. “Most children who catch measles were already vaccinated” ( - Another deliberate misconception using an agenda driven website to support their opinion.   There is no actual evidence that more vaccinated children get measles than unvaccinated.  Indeed in Northern New South Wales in 2012 40 children were hospitalised due to measles and all 40 were unvaccinated.   Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  22. Even ex-vaccine developers are coming out and exposing the lies that the vaccination industry is based on ( - If only they could find this information on reputable websites their job would be a lot easier.   A disgruntled ex employee supposedly outs an employer?   Really? is this the tongue in cheek they are talking about?  Sounds like it.  Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  23. The swine flu vaccine caused an increase of narcolepsy cases in children recently (   The swine flu vaccination is not on the childhood schedule, accordingly i'm not going to bother commenting on it.  Flu vaccination is a matter for you to discuss with your GP, not with an anti vaccination lobby group on the internet.  Reason not to vaccinate - probably not.
  24. At least one death in NZ has been linked to the Gardasil vaccine (
  25. …and four more deaths from Gardasil in India ( - again with the reliance on non reputable websites.  There have been no recorded deaths due to Gardasil in New Zealand or Australia.  However, there have been numerous deaths due to cervical cancer, and there has been a marked decrease in the instance of HPV since Gardasil was released.  When speaking to your GP about this vaccination, don't forget to ask about Cervical Cancer, it's survival rates and what a woman goes through prior to death.   It's quite nasty. Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  26. Homeless people died after being paid £1-2 to participate in a vaccine trial (  Interesting a UK based newspaper, talking about Poland.  Last time I was in Poland, the currency was not pounds.  In fact, i'm pretty sure it has never been.    Ah, I see, someone the IAS is trying to link the illegal action of a few people, who were testing an untried vaccination that is not part of the schedule with the vaccinate schedule .. that feels a tad desperate to me, even if it were true.  I think this too may be one of their tongue in cheeks.   Reason not to vaccinate = Not unless you're a homeless person in Poland who wants a couple of zloty by testing out some untried vaccine.
  27. Since the 1980’s, vaccine manufacturers in the USA have been protected from lawsuits following vaccine injury (  Last time I looked, New Zealand was not part of the United States and once again,, an unreputable website relied on to validate their statement.  Reason not to vaccinate - No
  28. Vaccination is being used to REDUCE fertility and reduce the worldwide population (  I'm sure it's not as effective as war and famine, but seriously this has to be one of the most ludicrous statements from the anti vaccinationists.   Of course, it could be said to be true as if they can stop their babies dying of these preventable diseases, they don't need to have so many.  The birth rates in 1st world countries fell dramatically too when all our babies stopped dying of diphtheria, measles, small pox etc.  Reason not to vaccinate - No.
  29.  The pro-vaccine movement openly admits that it is willing to sacrifice some lives in order to “save” many. I’m not willing to risk that my child is that one that will get sacrificed due to vaccine damage.   Again, another ludicrous and hypocritical statement.   The IAS is not willing to risk their child to vaccine damage, but are willing to risk the child to vaccine preventable disease death.  Indeed, by allowing unvaccinated children to interact with others, they put the  lives of all newborns and immune compromised children at risk as well,  It's an incredibly selfish attitude and not one I share.    Reason to not vaccinate - No. Reason to discuss concerns with your doctor - sure.
  30. Ian’s story: There is actually no evidence that this child died due to the vaccination, although i'm a little torn on this one.   However, having said that, he is a single baby and while his death is tragic there have been 13 deaths due to whooping cough in the UK alone.    1 death is a tragedy, 13 preventable deaths a disaster.  Reason to not vaccinate - No.  Reason to seek advice from your GP.  Yes.
  31. Stephanie’s story:
    1. And I couldn’t resist throwing in some celebrities who do not vaccinate their kids or at least question the effectiveness and safety of vaccines: Mayim Bialik (Amy Farah-Fowler from Big Bang Theory) –
    2. Jenny McCarthy (,8599,1888718,00.html)
    3. Jim Carrey (
    4. Rob Schneider (
    5. Donald Trump (
    6. The legendary Chuck Norris (
    7. Even Dr Oz’s wife doesn’t allow him to vaccinate their kids! ((     Celebrities who do not vaccinate have no more information or knowledge on the subject than any other group of people.   Indeed Mayim Bialik does not discuss whether she vaccinates or not and is certainly not an advocate to not vaccinate.   Jenny McCarthy is a drug addled ex porn star who won't vaccinate but will inject botox.   Hardly pillars of our society that we would look up to.    Reason not to vaccinate - No.  Reason to not seek celebrity status - fuck yes.